
Welcome to my website. I share my photography, digital art, and writings here. Thank you for your interest in my work.

Vicious Cycle

Vicious Cycle

Published on May 20, 2021

vicious cycle, last week or so

can’t sleep at night,

really tired during the day.

caffeine my crutch

to make it through the day.


as the night sets in, I’m wide awake again.

caffeine coursing through my veins

without a break.

clock hits 1, 2, 3, 4, and sometimes 5 AM,

I start the next day tired yet again.


I think I need a day to sleep,

to stop the caffeine,

to combat the burnout.


a day of quiet,

a day without deadlines

a day to simply be — alone.

to watch my world move forward


without a need to intervene.

without a need to warn

to fix

to plan.


a day of rest,

a day of quiet,

a day to prepare myself

for creative, productive days ahead.


maybe tomorrow.

I Lost A Mentor Today

I Lost A Mentor Today

Perfect Goodbye

Perfect Goodbye